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Showing posts from August, 2017

How the Elderly Can Contribute to the Development of India

Almost every other day, we hear horrifying stories about elderly citizens being abandoned by their families. Excuses are plenty – financial scarcity, emotional and physical burden on others, lack of resources to take care of them etc. Approaching an advanced age is dreaded by many these days. There is the underlying fear that they would become worthless to the society and their families. But the irony is that these so-called “burdens to the society”, are a source of significant potential for the country. Their experience and expertise can be used to lay a strong foundation for the Indian society. In an age where children are rapidly getting influenced by Western culture, their grandparents can play a vital role in keeping them grounded in their rich cultural roots. Building economically stable and self-sufficient families – Women face an intense dilemma after they have children – to work or to stay at home? It becomes difficult for them to balance their professional and p