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Showing posts from May, 2022

Comprehensive care plan for your aging dementia parents and how it helps in improving their mental health?

  Dementia refers to a range of diseases and disorders that impact your thinking, memory, reasoning, personality, mood, and behaviour. Daily life and activities are disrupted by the decline in mental function. Dementia is very common in older adults. Dementia is defined as a substantial deterioration in mental function from a previously higher level that interferes with daily activities. A person with dementia has two or more of these specific problems, such as a decrease in memory, reasoning, language, coordination, mood and behaviour. Dementia is classified as a late-life disease because it affects primarily the elderly. Dementia affects between 5% to 8% of all adults over the age of 65, and the number doubles every five years after that. Dementia affects around half of the adults aged 85 and up.   Dementia Care :   Seniors with advanced dementia are unable to undertake the duties necessary to keep their bodies alive. Even simple, necessary movements are no longer possible due to bra

How is Athulya a safe home health care solution for elders to choose, with the increasing safety threats in society?

  Athulya Homecare is raising the quality standards of aged care in India with its traditional care practices laced with empathy and compassion. Athulya provides doctor visits, nursing care, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, sample collection, medicine delivery, and a variety of other services to seniors in the comfort of their own homes, streamlining the way they receive quality care. Athulya's patient care services in Chennai are highly recommended by medical specialists for a quick recovery. Athulya's medical team, which includes skilled doctors, compassionate nurses, practical physiotherapists , and sincere rehab specialists, demonstrates a true and intense commitment to the seniors' general well-being. Athulya’s  staff is driven by a strong medical dedication inspired by the progress of your older adults.    Athulya's staff sees "home care" in a different light. It entails more than just aiding seniors with their daily tasks, such as dispensing medications,

What are the early indicators of ovarian cancer and how may they be avoided for better old age?

    Cancer isn't really a comforting feature to think about. Despite the fact that it is a constant threat in our lives, now we have the technological resources to combat it. Ovarian cancer is a potentially lethal and misdiagnosed kind of illness. As a result, World Ovarian Cancer Day is a moment to connect women around the world together to promote awareness and drive others to learn more and share about ovarian cancer.   Ovarian cancer is the world's eighth key factor for increased cancer mortality rates. The pattern of 10 to 15% of cancer cases is mostly diagnosed before ovulation and with aging, the discomforts become worse and more prevalent. Surprisingly, elderly people receive less treatment due to the scarcity of better health and unexpected health ailments. So, older people ought to have a geriatric assessment to discover the right care plan and treatment strategy.   Ovarian cancer symptoms Signs of pre-mature ovarian cancer are rare, whereas the advanced sta