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Showing posts from August, 2022

Why do elders are emotionally attached to pets? (International dog day)

  Introduction:   Ever since the beginning of time, people have yearned for affection and attention. Humans need interpersonal contact, whether it's with one person or a large group because they are socially engaged and social beings. Negative effects could happen that would eventually bring them to the point of extinction if they are unable to establish these interactions. Humans naturally choose meaningful connections over superficial ones and value deep connections that might develop into friendships.   However, doing so needs confidence-building, which can take some time. When attempting to make up for the loss of their companions or the adjustment to retirement, many elderly individuals are simply unable to forge new social connections and the ensuing solid attachments. However, they yearn for close, meaningful relationships. These companions can include a pet. Pets typically fulfil both the need for companionship and the desire for affection. Additionally, older persons who o

A day in the life of a caretaker

  Introduction:   A caregiver is an individual who cares for a sick or disabled one at home and may provide any form of physical and emotional support. Those with a disability, a mental or physical sickness, an addiction, or another condition. Many times, caregivers must also take care of themselves and other family members in addition to taking care of the patient. A lot of personal sacrifices are made by caregivers. For solitude, downtime, tranquillity, and a feeling of self, they must struggle. It appears as though the caretaker and caree merge into one another in some way. It's also pretty challenging to deal with the accompanying emotional and psychological roller coaster. Following this experience, we can only express our sincere gratitude to all caregivers.   Some important tasks of a caregiver are:   Ø  Advocate:  When communicating with doctors, patients may tend to minimize their discomfort and withhold information about their physical or emotional requirements. When a pa