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Showing posts from August, 2021

Foods with Hidden Sugar that you should stay away from

Highlights Elderly Diet Plans play a crucial role in the aging process. This is particularly true in the context of diabetes management. Ironically, foods laden with hidden sugar can become the worst enemies to senior well-being. Here’s an insight into the detrimental effects of high glucose levels and the foods laden with sugar that need to be avoided. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, people have become more cautious about their lifestyle, eating habits, exercise regimes and immunity systems. Elderly diet plans and their fitness is grabbing sufficient limelight these days. Well, this certainly brings some light at the end of the dark tunnel in the corona virus battle, isn’t it? Interestingly, this trait of health consciousness is particularly predominant in people suffering from chronic ailments like high sugar and blood pressure levels.   The kind of food consumed plays a crucial role in effective diabetes management-there are no two thoughts about it. However, we see that many sen

Elderly Immunity: How Zinc boosts Immunity in Seniors

The coronavirus outbreak has brought tremendous turmoil, fear and uncertainty to the world while affecting millions of people and causing an enormous catastrophe. One of the serious challenges during this crisis is safeguarding the health of the seniors as they form one of the most vulnerable segments in society. It is well-known that the immune system in elders is affected by aging making the body susceptible to the attack of infections and diseases easily. Consequently, immunity becomes lower, healing takes longer, auto-immune disorders begin to develop and repair mechanisms get slower. Hence, it is vital to boost the immunity in seniors so that the impact of pathogens is minimized to the best extent possible. Healthy diets, plenty of exercises, fall prevention, limited alcohol intake, smoking cessation and immunization for seniors helps in boosting the immunity levels remarkably. Homecare providers can assist seniors in ensuring these habits are maintained for their well-being.