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Foods with Hidden Sugar that you should stay away from


Elderly Diet Plans play a crucial role in the aging process. This is particularly true in the context of diabetes management. Ironically, foods laden with hidden sugar can become the worst enemies to senior well-being. Here’s an insight into the detrimental effects of high glucose levels and the foods laden with sugar that need to be avoided.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, people have become more cautious about their lifestyle, eating habits, exercise regimes and immunity systems. Elderly diet plans and their fitness is grabbing sufficient limelight these days. Well, this certainly brings some light at the end of the dark tunnel in the corona virus battle, isn’t it? Interestingly, this trait of health consciousness is particularly predominant in people suffering from chronic ailments like high sugar and blood pressure levels.

 The kind of food consumed plays a crucial role in effective diabetes management-there are no two thoughts about it. However, we see that many seniors are still unable to control the spikes in their blood glucose levels despite regular dieting and physical activities. The culprit here is foods from hidden sugars which they may be unaware of. Currently, there are more than 463 million diabetics and this number will probably rise to a whopping 700 million by 2045! Thus, senior home healthcare services must support diabetic patients in formulating healthy meal plans and diabetic diet charts to manage their symptoms. Athulya Home Healthcare, the most promising choice for home nursing service in Chennai, is known for its holistic and dedicated geriatric services to the senior community. 

 The comprehensive service portfolio of Athulya Home Healthcare includes everything ranging from nursing care to doctor visits, health check-ups and medicine delivery at home. So, this unique senior-centric support makes healthcare seamlessly accessible at the doorstep. Let us now dwell on the consequences of high sugar levels and the foods that can cause this havoc.

 What makes sugar harmful?

·        High sugar diet poses an increased risk of heart disease.

·        Sugary carbonated drinks can result in the development of coronary artery disease despite having no medical history of diabetes, cancer or heart problems.

·        Excessive sugar consumption leads to obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, fatty liver and poor oral health.

·        Persistently high blood glucose levels cause diabetic nephropathy wherein the kidneys are damaged thereby excreting protein to the urine. It could subsequently result in permanent kidney failure.


Food with Hidden Sugar

·   Fruit juices-Fruits in the raw form are considered extremely nutritional as they furnish the essential minerals and vitamins naturally. However, they are likely to lose a substantial portion of the fibre content present in the whole fruit as juices. Additionally, the sugar added to juices becomes the worst enemy!

·   Aerated beverages-Drinks like soda, colas, sports drinks and soft drinks inherently contain sugar which shoots up the blood glucose rapidly. Besides, they also cause acidity and bloating. Even the so-called ‘diet’ versions contain artificial sweeteners.

·   Flavoured breakfast cereals-Though consuming cereals like cornflakes and muesli for breakfast is the current trend today, one must be aware that the flavoured versions of these items usually contain substantial sugar. So, elders must read the food labels carefully before buying these items. Rather, they can opt for oat porridge and whole wheat cereal biscuits.

·  Toppings and dressings-It is often tempting to top-up sandwiches and salads with sauces, ketchup and dressings. Unfortunately, these foods contain high sugar leading to substantial weight gain. So, it is best to make them at home.

·   Flavoured varieties of yogurt and curds-Although dairy products like yogurt and curds contain plenty of probiotics and are considered gut-friendly, the flavoured variants contain sugar and other artificial flavouring agents of high calorific values. Instead, choose plain yogurt or top it with natural fruits.

·  White bread and processed brown bread-It is surprising to know that about a hundred grams of both white and processed brown bread contain nearly five grams of sugar. Instead, you may choose wholegrain fibre-rich bread.

·  Alcoholic drinks-Most alcoholic drinks are rich in calories. Thus, regular consumption of alcohol can cause obesity and diabetes.

·  Protein supplements and nutrition bars-Most protein powders and bars used as supplements are mixed with sugar, chocolates and artificial sweeteners for tasting better. Elders unknowingly consume them as healthy supplements. Hence, it is important to read the ingredient labels before buying. 

Tips for Minimizing Sugar Consumption

·        Substitute sugar with healthy alternatives like chia seeds pudding, whole-grain foods, sweet potatoes and coconut water

·        Check the labels of processed foods before buying

·        Use the professional services of a dietitian to formulate healthier balanced diet plans

 In short, unhealthy foods laden with sugar must be avoided to safeguard the elderly population from disease attacks. You may utilize the reliable senior care services of Athulya Home Healthcare for best outcomes.  


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