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Elderly Immunity: How Zinc boosts Immunity in Seniors

The coronavirus outbreak has brought tremendous turmoil, fear and uncertainty to the world while affecting millions of people and causing an enormous catastrophe. One of the serious challenges during this crisis is safeguarding the health of the seniors as they form one of the most vulnerable segments in society. It is well-known that the immune system in elders is affected by aging making the body susceptible to the attack of infections and diseases easily. Consequently, immunity becomes lower, healing takes longer, auto-immune disorders begin to develop and repair mechanisms get slower.

Hence, it is vital to boost the immunity in seniors so that the impact of pathogens is minimized to the best extent possible. Healthy diets, plenty of exercises, fall prevention, limited alcohol intake, smoking cessation and immunization for seniors helps in boosting the immunity levels remarkably.

Homecare providers can assist seniors in ensuring these habits are maintained for their well-being. Athulya Home Healthcare, a leading provider of homecare services in Chennai, is popular for its integrated service portfolio that delivers holistic support exclusively for the geriatric population.

Professional nursing care, doctor consultations, blood sample collection, physiotherapy and home medicine delivery in Chennai are some of the services provided by it. Athulya Home Healthcare also provides vaccination for seniors including hepatitis vaccines and senior travel vaccines to ensure protection from infections and contagious diseases. Besides, its trained nurses and staff assist elders in proper nutrition and diet, medication management and supplement intake for staying fit.

Interestingly, the importance of eating nutritious food for optimal health is repeatedly stressed in the pandemic. Many foods can help in boosting the body’s immunity to counteract harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins and other dangerous substances. Zinc is a prominent element amongst them. Let us now explore its significance and sources.


Role of Zinc in maintaining Body Immunity and Overall Health

 Zinc happens to be the second most abundant trace mineral in the body after iron. It is present in every cell.


The role of zinc is enumerated below:

·        Plays a crucial role in the development and functioning of the immune cells

·        Helps the body to fight bacteria and viruses

·        Reduces oxidative stress

·        Decreases inflammation

·      Activates nearly three hundred enzymes in the body for aiding digestion, metabolism, nervous control, and other vital processes

·        Improves skin health

·        Catalyses protein production for growth and repair

·        Treats common cold effectively

·        Supports normal cell growth and division

·        Ensures healthy metabolic functioning

·        Promotes better wound healing to prevent infections

·        Acts as an essential element to make proteins and the fundamental genetic material called DNA

·        Prevents formation of acne

·        Lowers the progression of age-related health disorders

·        Aids the senses of taste and smell

·        Evades eye problems

·        Reduces the symptoms and effects of diabetes

·        Slows down age-related muscular degeneration

 Zinc-Rich Foods

The recommended daily intake of zinc is eleven milligrams for adult men and eight milligrams for women. There are several animal and plant foods enriched with zinc for this requirement including

·         Vegetables like mushrooms, peas, asparagus, beetroot leaves

·         Eggs, meat and poultry like beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken

·         Fish like sardines, salmon

·        Legumes like chickpeas, lentils, Bengal gram dal, bean varieties (black beans and kidney beans)

·         Nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds, cashews, hemp seeds, sesame

·         Dairy products like milk, yogurt, paneer, cheese

·         Whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, millets(bajra) `

·         Aquatic animals like oysters, crab, mussels, lobster

Some Tips for boosting Elderly Immunity

·  Get immunized regularly-particularly take the flu vaccine as it reduces the risk of infectious attacks by forty to sixty percent

·   Consume balanced and healthy diets with plenty of whole-grain foods, fresh vegetables, and fruits

·        Remain physically active throughout the day

·        Exercise regularly by doing walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics, or yoga 

·   Minimize stress levels by listening to music, doing meditation, pursuing hobbies, making social connections, and seeking professional counselling if needed

·        Quit unhealthy habits like smoking and alcohol consumption

·        Ensure that you get a sound sleep of seven to eight hours at night

·        Maintain a healthy weight and proper oral hygiene

·        Go for periodic health check-ups to detect health problems proactively


In short, elderly immunity can be retained with a healthy lifestyle and diet containing immunity boosters like zinc. You may seek the expert services of Athulya Home Healthcare for your beloved seniors to harvest the best health benefits for seamless aging! 


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