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Watch out for these warning Signs of Dementia in Elderly

Forgetfulness is a trait common to both young and elderly. But as we age our memories also begin to get more impaired gradually. Memory loss is a common companion of old age and cannot be always labelled as Dementia. What is Dementia? Dementia is a memory denigrating illness which prevents a person from communicating, thinking and even carrying out daily chores. It can be caused due to several factors, and the treatments are influenced based on the cause. Causes of Dementia Dementia can be caused due to a brain injury or due to other diseases such as Huntington’s disease or Lewy body dementia. But in 60% of the cases, Dementia has been due to the Alzheimer’s disease. Others causes of Dementia include          Vitamin B12 deficiency           Dehydration           Depression           Thyroid problems           Side-effects of certain medications Differentiating between age-related memory loss and Dementia The main difference between age-related memory l

Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse can happened to women of any age and it is more common for the post-menopausal women and also for the women who have had one or more vaginal deliveries. In ancient days there were women who had many children now a days the trend had changed tremendously. The need for the nursing services in the post-operativeperiod is very essential for the speedy recovery. Let us see in detail about the Uterine Prolapse. A uterine prolapse arises when your muscles in the pelvic region and ligaments that holds the uterus gets stretched or becomes fragile and not succeed in supporting the uterus. It happens when the uterus sags or slips from the normal site and into the vagina. The prolapse is complete or incomplete. In incomplete prolapse the uterus slips off partially into the vagina. In complete prolapse, the uterus fully hangs down making the tissues seen outside the vagina.  Symptoms: When you have uterine prolapse you will have the following signs, Bleeding in