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Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse can happened to women of any age and it is more common for the post-menopausal women and also for the women who have had one or more vaginal deliveries. In ancient days there were women who had many children now a days the trend had changed tremendously. The need for the nursing services in the post-operativeperiod is very essential for the speedy recovery. Let us see in detail about the Uterine Prolapse.
A uterine prolapse arises when your muscles in the pelvic region and ligaments that holds the uterus gets stretched or becomes fragile and not succeed in supporting the uterus. It happens when the uterus sags or slips from the normal site and into the vagina.

The prolapse is complete or incomplete. In incomplete prolapse the uterus slips off partially into the vagina. In complete prolapse, the uterus fully hangs down making the tissues seen outside the vagina. 

When you have uterine prolapse you will have the following signs,
  • Bleeding in the vagina or high discharge
  • You may feel as you are sitting on the ball
  • Trouble during sexual intercourse
  • You might see the uterus or cervix hanging outside the vagina
  • Strange feeling in the pelvis
  • Constipation
  • Recurrent infection in the bladder
The symptoms are less in the morning and deteriorates as the day goes on
If you experience the above mentioned symptoms, you need visit the doctor as early as possible. If right treatment is not given there will be injury to the bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction. 

Causes of uterine prolapse:
Uterine prolapse arises when the pelvic muscles becomes fragile and the causes includes,
  • Pregnancy
  • Injury during delivery of child
  • Baby with overweight
  • Loss of muscle tendency
  • Trouble labor and delivery
  • Decreased estrogen after menopause
Risk factors:
  • More than one pregnancies and vaginal delivery
  • Delivery overweight baby
  • Age
  • Lifting of heavy objects regularly
  • Persistent coughing
  • Any pelvic surgery done before
  • Straining during bowel movements

In few instances, constipation, COPD and obesity will cause strain on the pelvic muscles and also on the connective tissues and it leads to uterine prolapse. 
How uterine prolapse is diagnosed?
Your doctor will ask for the symptoms and examines the pelvic region by inserting a special device called speculum and looks into the vagina and uterus. 

How uterine prolapse is managed?
When the prolapse is sever you may require medical treatment and it includes,
Non surgical intervention:
  • Reducing your weight
  • Try to avoid lifting of heavy materials
  • Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel) that helps in fortify the muscles in the vagina.
  • Estrogen substitute therapy
  • A small procedure in which a device is inserted into the vagina that stabilizes the uterus and the cervix
Surgical intervention:
  • Removal of uterus by surgery – Hysterectomy
  • Suspension of uterus – the uterus is placed into its original position by attaching the pelvic ligaments again or using surgical objects.
  • Surgery is not advised for women who are planning to have children in future. 

Uterine prolapse can be prevented to some extent if you maintain proper weight, exercise regularly, practicing kegel exercise and using estrogen substitution therapy during menopause. 


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