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Showing posts with the label elderly home care

The role of a Vegan Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Recently when I was surfing the internet to write something informative and new an article came to my notice. It said that a vegan diet has been found to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis . Intrigued by this, I started searching for more articles with relevant information, and eventually, I got the right topic to write for World Arthritis Day (October 12th). In the book,‘This is your Mind on Plants’by Michael Pollan an American author, food has been defined as something that comes from nature, fed from nature, and eventually rot, implying that food comes from plants. By this definition, we can assume that the author talks about a plant-based diet. A vegan diet, a trending diet in the nutrition world is also a plant-based diet. More than a diet, it is considered a lifestyle and there are many ambassadors promoting veganism.  Scientific studies and researches come with new findings every single day. This time, they have found out that a vegan diet proves beneficial against r

Role of Home Health Care in Healthy Aging.

  “Ageing is a beautiful art for those who know to scream colors.”               World Health Organization has observed that the functional abilities that keep seniors happy are developed and maintained as part of healthy aging. The silver community has been taken into consideration due to the rise in the older population. Particularly in terms of health promotion and preventive health issues, primary health care services encounter challenges due to the overall health services' constrained capacity. To stop the senior population from developing more serious health issues, the standard of health care services for them must be raised. According to some studies, approximately 90% of adults over 65 prefer to spend as much time as possible at home. However, additional care is frequently required to make it happen, which is why some families turn to home healthcare services .  Due to its accessibility and affordability, home healthcare is preferred, encouraged, and even urged. Home

Foods with Hidden Sugar that you should stay away from

Highlights Elderly Diet Plans play a crucial role in the aging process. This is particularly true in the context of diabetes management. Ironically, foods laden with hidden sugar can become the worst enemies to senior well-being. Here’s an insight into the detrimental effects of high glucose levels and the foods laden with sugar that need to be avoided. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, people have become more cautious about their lifestyle, eating habits, exercise regimes and immunity systems. Elderly diet plans and their fitness is grabbing sufficient limelight these days. Well, this certainly brings some light at the end of the dark tunnel in the corona virus battle, isn’t it? Interestingly, this trait of health consciousness is particularly predominant in people suffering from chronic ailments like high sugar and blood pressure levels.   The kind of food consumed plays a crucial role in effective diabetes management-there are no two thoughts about it. However, we see that many sen

7 Tips for Improved Quality of Sleep in Elders

Sleep cannot be separated from a healthy life. As an integral part of keeping an individual healthy, lack of sleep will have immediate negative medical complications on the brain functionality and metabolism.   Sleep problems in seniors have become prevalent recently, and finding the right solution is extremely important. A research by a psychologist from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, the percentage of Insomnia in adults is around 33. Now, that’s a number worth worrying. In addition to that, there are other major health issues sleep deprivation is leading.   What causes sleep deprivation in seniors?   Many researches have repeatedly proven that people’s sleep quality is declining at an alarming rate over the past few decades. Sleeplessness is common in people of all age groups, not just seniors.   However, aging does change the sleep patterns. And, the additional physical and mental changes make it harder for some seniors to experience those deep slee

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors with Arthritis

The winter season is already here! It could be a challenging one for older adults who have some form of ailment and is, specifically so, in the burdening context of Arthritis. Arthritis is essentially joint pain or disease that causes an inflammation of one or multiple joints. Typically, arthritis symptoms are more prevalent in seniors above the age of 60-65 years.  Actually, the problems associated with this painful condition tend to increase during the colder days, which further triggers and fuels excessive pain, stiffness and swelling in the body joints. There are more than 100 different manifestations of arthritis and related conditions. The most common among them include Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA), Fibromyalgia and Gout. Common symptoms Pain, stiffness, swelling, locking of joints or tenderness in and around it Limited mobility of affected joints/limping Redness and warmth of joints affected Fever Tiredness Malaise/feel

The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Osteoporosis Effectively

Osteoporosis means ‘porous bone’. It is a disease wherein the bone density and thereby its quality decreases, making it fragile and more prone to fractures. Unfortunately, this is a progressive disease that occurs silently. Many times, there are no physical symptoms of its occurrence until the first fracture occurs. Typically bone structure begins to weaken after age of mid-thirties and women are more prone to this ailment than men. However, we find that more cases are prevalent with increasing age as we see more cases of elderly patients with osteoporosis.   The human bones are living tissue that changes continuously.  These bones develop and strengthen from birth to young adulthood and have the highest density (peak bone mass) in age of early twenties. With age, some of the existing bone matrix gets dissolved while new bones deposit osteoid. In case of osteoporosis, the bone desorption rate exceeds the rate of new bone formation. Thereby the bones weaken and become very bri