As we journey through life, ageing is a destination we all share, and it comes with a unique set of challenges. Physical health concerns often take centre stage, but the importance of senior mental wellness should not be underestimated. For seniors, navigating the complexities of ageing can bring about various emotional and psychological challenges. In this context, geriatric counseling emerges as a powerful and indispensable tool, offering seniors the opportunity to age gracefully with peace and resilience. Understanding the Challenges of Senior Mental Health The golden years can sometimes lose their lustre as seniors face an array of life-altering changes. Retirement, the loss of loved ones, and health issues can create a perfect storm of emotional turmoil. These changes can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and an overall decline in the Mental Health of seniors. It is crucial to recognize that while many of them maintain excellent m...
Athulya Home Healthcare is an exclusive geriatric home healthcare provider in India, offering high-quality homecare services to the elderly with professionals.