Yesterday after a stomach full lunch at home, I took a nap. After a deep sleep, I woke up wondering which time of the day it is. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced this kind of confusion. Quite often you would have taken a nap during a random time of the day and when you wake up it might have taken you a while to figure out which time of the day it is. But can you believe if we say that there is a syndrome that has a similar kind of confusion? Yes, this syndrome is called Sundowning Syndrome. Sundowning syndrome otherwise called late-day confusion is a neurological phenomenon. Sundowning syndrome is a state of confusion that arises during the late afternoon and this state prolongs till the night. Though there are numerous studies conducted on sundowning syndrome no standard definition has been declared yet. Sundowning syndrome is not a disease. It is a group of symptoms or behavior, thoughts, and feeling that is common in seniors with neurologic...
Athulya Home Healthcare is an exclusive geriatric home healthcare provider in India, offering high-quality homecare services to the elderly with professionals.