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Showing posts with the label geriatric gynecology issues

Breast cancer and Cardiovascular diseases - An Insight

“Breast cancer changes you, and the change can be beautiful.”  – Jane Cook Cancer is a disease that doesn’t affect only the patient but also their family. It changes the patient’s and their family’s life in unexpected ways. It turns their life upside down. Nevertheless, we would have come across many cancer survivors shining through the odds with their immense positivity and inspiring others. One of the most common cancer types affecting predominantly women is breast cancer. October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month. Awareness in different forms has been planned throughout the month to provide information constituting breast cancer tips , breast cancer treatments , signs and symptoms, precautions, etc., It has been recorded that breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer affecting millions of women across the world.  As a part of breast cancer month, this blog would like to share a piece of information with the readers about the connection between breast canc