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Showing posts with the label home care

The role of a Vegan Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Recently when I was surfing the internet to write something informative and new an article came to my notice. It said that a vegan diet has been found to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis . Intrigued by this, I started searching for more articles with relevant information, and eventually, I got the right topic to write for World Arthritis Day (October 12th). In the book,‘This is your Mind on Plants’by Michael Pollan an American author, food has been defined as something that comes from nature, fed from nature, and eventually rot, implying that food comes from plants. By this definition, we can assume that the author talks about a plant-based diet. A vegan diet, a trending diet in the nutrition world is also a plant-based diet. More than a diet, it is considered a lifestyle and there are many ambassadors promoting veganism.  Scientific studies and researches come with new findings every single day. This time, they have found out that a vegan diet proves beneficial against r


The days are becoming shorter and yeah winter is arriving! When the temperature outside falls drastically, we might have to consider taking care of our elderly loved ones more than usual. Since the body temperature drops below normal it becomes the host for serious health conditions especially in older adults. So it’s always better to be prepared and take precautionary measures in order to mitigate the risks and make sure your loved ones are safe and sound this winter.  Also always know about options like home medicine delivery services in case of emergency situations.  The most common problems faced by seniors during winter would be, Breathing trouble  Dry skin Hypothermia ( In serious cases of low temperature) Frostbite Increased risk of heart attack and stroke Pneumonia and flu Thus in order to avoid the above conditions during winter, it’s very necessary to take the precautionary steps and in worst cases medical supervision should be given at the right time for the senior adults t

The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Osteoporosis Effectively

Osteoporosis means ‘porous bone’. It is a disease wherein the bone density and thereby its quality decreases, making it fragile and more prone to fractures. Unfortunately, this is a progressive disease that occurs silently. Many times, there are no physical symptoms of its occurrence until the first fracture occurs. Typically bone structure begins to weaken after age of mid-thirties and women are more prone to this ailment than men. However, we find that more cases are prevalent with increasing age as we see more cases of elderly patients with osteoporosis.   The human bones are living tissue that changes continuously.  These bones develop and strengthen from birth to young adulthood and have the highest density (peak bone mass) in age of early twenties. With age, some of the existing bone matrix gets dissolved while new bones deposit osteoid. In case of osteoporosis, the bone desorption rate exceeds the rate of new bone formation. Thereby the bones weaken and become very bri