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A Comfortable Oasis of Healing: The Benefits of Home Nursing for Seniors


Why Do Home Care Services Serve as a Good Choice?

The life expectancy of humans has seen a rise in the past few decades. This calls for home healthcare services at an older age to manage and treat the chronic health conditions that are prevalent with aging: heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and stroke. Opting for home care services has a significant impact on condition management.

Athulya Home Healthcare services support aging in independence and from their place of choice. Choosing care from home is also cost-effective and reduces the exposure to hospital-acquired infections that older adults are highly susceptible to.

What is Home Nursing?

When a senior citizen is suffering from a disease, discharged from the hospital after surgery or an injury, or needs a higher level of care, the family is put in a critical situation.

The family members of seniors may wish to care for and support their seniors but may lack medical knowledge. Ensuring the seniors get adequate medical support while spending time with their family members is made possible with home nursing services.

Nurses are medical professionals who have hands-on expertise in meeting the needs of elders. Apart from managing the elders’ health condition they also help them with daily routines, feeding, self-care, and provide emotional support.

What are the Benefits of Home Nursing?

The greatest boon of home nursing for seniors is receiving medical management from their comfy niche with their favorite people around them. Spending quality time with family and close friends is a yearning among most adults in their greying era, which can be fulfilled with nursing care at home.  Juggling with personal tasks and meeting the medical and emotional needs of seniors can be arduous. A home nurse ensures the senior receives the professional help they require while allowing the family to provide emotional support. The several other benefits of home nursing are discussed in the space below.

Recover from a familiar environment

Staying in hospital for a long time can affect both physically and mentally. The sound of monitors, seeing fellow patients suffer, missing family members, and an uncomfortable environment trigger seniors’ mental health which in turn can affect their physical health.

Recovery at a faster pace

When seniors heal from a place they like, significant improvements in their health can be observed. Seniors also tend to agree to undergo medical procedures when they are in a comfortable environment with their favorite people around.

Personalized care

Standard, common care does not pose a good plan for seniors. Personalizing care based on their likes, dislikes, lifestyle, and health conditions is advantageous. Home nurses help seniors receive personalized medical care as they hold knowledge about drugs and treatment. They also help coordinate with the doctors to manage health. Home nurses ensure that seniors get one-on-one care that optimizes their health.

Support personal errands

Home care nurses also help seniors in performing their daily chores. Taking a walk, eating, getting up from bed, using the toilet, etc., are some of the tasks home nurses help seniors with.

Appropriate medical care

Getting the help of a professional nurse makes regular health check-ups a possibility. Seniors with diabetes, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder claim the usage of medical devices to check their vitals, sugar levels, and more. Nurses possess experience in using medical devices and equipment that makes monitoring the seniors’ health easy.

Upgraded quality of life

Nurses providing home care services develop personalized care plans and provide immediate care for any adverse symptoms. They also ensure the risks of falls or injury are reduced by supporting seniors at every step. Good disease management, risk reduction, and additional support in daily activities take the seniors’ quality of life a step higher.

Access to skilled care

Home nursing care doesn’t stop with basic nursing services. Skilled nursing care can also be availed at home. Athulya Senior Care is a premier geriatric healthcare provider that provides skilled nursing care at home. The skilled nurses are experts at managing critical health conditions where special equipment like catheters, feeding tubes, oxygen support machines, etc., are required to continue treatment.

A companion in a nurse

Seniors are susceptible to feeling alone and isolated due to several reasons. Nurses can be their best friends during such times. Home nurses create a non-judgmental space for seniors so they can share their feelings, fears, and thoughts. They help the seniors socialize and avoid isolation. Along with improving physical health, home nurses also help in creating sound mental health.

Finish Line

Home nursing for seniors is a viable call to improve their health and draft a happy itinerary for their aging voyage. For seniors willing to be cared for from the comfort of their homes in the presence of their family members, home nursing care is a feasible option.

Athulya Home Healthcare provides skilled and assistant nurses to cater to seniors’ needs. Athulya’s home nurses along with helping with their medical condition, respect and empathise with the seniors. To know more, visit the website Athulya Senior Care.



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