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Showing posts with the label athulya homecare

Arise awake and stop not until the goal is reached. (World Disability Persons Day)

Certain things make a person become a child, no matter what age they are. One such thing is catching butterflies. More often you would have sat in a garden doing nothing. Your attention will be grabbed by a fluttering butterfly. The child in you won’t resist catching it in your fingers. The moment you catch it you will start admiring its beauty. Butterflies are beautiful right? But have you seen each stage of a butterfly’s metamorphosis? Egg, Larva, Pupil, Butterfly. If you contemplate whether the butterfly looks beautiful at each stage, the answer is, No! The eggs, larva, and pupil are not as beautiful as the final stage. But it fights against all the odds to come out beautifully as a butterfly. It’s the same with human beings too. Not everyone’s life will be pleasant. But with sheer willpower, confidence, and faith anyone can come out victoriously.  With World disability person day observed in December, I planned on writing this blog. And I couldn’t think of an apt and empowering t

Sun-downing syndrome - All you want to know

  Yesterday after a stomach full lunch at home, I took a nap. After a deep sleep, I woke up wondering which time of the day it is. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced this kind of confusion. Quite often you would have taken a nap during a random time of the day and when you wake up it might have taken you a while to figure out which time of the day it is.  But can you believe if we say that there is a syndrome that has a similar kind of confusion? Yes, this syndrome is called Sundowning Syndrome.  Sundowning syndrome otherwise called late-day confusion is a neurological phenomenon. Sundowning syndrome is a state of confusion that arises during the late afternoon and this state prolongs till the night. Though there are numerous studies conducted on sundowning syndrome no standard definition has been declared yet.  Sundowning syndrome is not a disease. It is a group of symptoms or behavior, thoughts, and feeling that is common in seniors with neurological diseases such as

The role of a Vegan Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Recently when I was surfing the internet to write something informative and new an article came to my notice. It said that a vegan diet has been found to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis . Intrigued by this, I started searching for more articles with relevant information, and eventually, I got the right topic to write for World Arthritis Day (October 12th). In the book,‘This is your Mind on Plants’by Michael Pollan an American author, food has been defined as something that comes from nature, fed from nature, and eventually rot, implying that food comes from plants. By this definition, we can assume that the author talks about a plant-based diet. A vegan diet, a trending diet in the nutrition world is also a plant-based diet. More than a diet, it is considered a lifestyle and there are many ambassadors promoting veganism.  Scientific studies and researches come with new findings every single day. This time, they have found out that a vegan diet proves beneficial against r

Role of Home Health Care in Healthy Aging.

  “Ageing is a beautiful art for those who know to scream colors.”               World Health Organization has observed that the functional abilities that keep seniors happy are developed and maintained as part of healthy aging. The silver community has been taken into consideration due to the rise in the older population. Particularly in terms of health promotion and preventive health issues, primary health care services encounter challenges due to the overall health services' constrained capacity. To stop the senior population from developing more serious health issues, the standard of health care services for them must be raised. According to some studies, approximately 90% of adults over 65 prefer to spend as much time as possible at home. However, additional care is frequently required to make it happen, which is why some families turn to home healthcare services .  Due to its accessibility and affordability, home healthcare is preferred, encouraged, and even urged. Home

What are the simple first aid measures family should be aware of with elders at home?

Introduction: Knowing how to administer first aid is advantageous for both you and your neighbourhood. It enables you to help injured people until assistance comes in the case of an accident or other emergency. Since first-aid knowledge may be used at home, at work, or in public places, a community gets safer the more individuals who are first-aid qualified are there. Getting your First Aid certification has advantages for you personally as well as your family, friends, coworkers, and even the community at large. Accidents and emergencies are not entirely preventable or unavoidable, as unpleasant as it is to bring them up. Making ensuring older individuals are secure at home is more crucial than ever as an increasing proportion of them age in place. The most frequent mishaps involving elderly individuals include falls, burns, and poisonings. Here is what you need to know about first aid if you live with an older senior so that you can stay safe. World    first aid day : World First Aid

Understanding the Common Deficiencies in Seniors

The lean body mass and the rate of metabolism tend to decrease with age. This, in turn, reduces the capacity of the body to absorb certain minerals and vitamins. Usually, seniors have less appetite and reduced caloric needs; hence, more nutrient requirements. Moreover, their lifestyle habits also differ, which can affect the consumption of foods. Therefore, as a result of reduced physical activity and decreased caloric intake, fewer essential minerals and vitamins get absorbed, leading to certain deficiencies which can be harmful to their overall health. Hence it is important to consume  essential foods for strength,  especially in old age.   Let us now delve a bit deeper into the topic to understand the common deficiency occurring in seniors.   Calcium: Calcium is one of the common deficiencies in older adults. It is necessary for the proper maintenance of bone density. Typically, seniors tend to consume less calcium as compared to the young ones. As a result of this, their body start

Seniors Living Alone: The Good, The Bad, and the Tips They Need

    According to the Indian census reports, more than 15 million seniors are living alone in India. Particularly in Tamil Nadu, 1 in every 10 seniors is living alone. Sometimes, a senior living alone is a choice and sometimes life just happens in that way for them.   Whatever the reason, these lonely twilights in the lives of seniors should not make them feel like they are being left behind.   With a little bit of grit and commitment, seniors can prove that they can live a quality life just like any other age group.   In fact, many seniors enjoy living all by themselves. They like the thought of being independent and adore their own moments.     That’s only one side of the coin. There are cases of increased loneliness in seniors, depression in seniors and many other mental health issues as a result of living alone.     Whatever train you are on, being alone is a choice. If an elder is choosing to be alone, there is no room for loneliness or any other mental health issues. H