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Showing posts with the label home care services in Chennai

Navigating the Unexplored Realm of In-Home Senior Care: A Hidden Preference

 As our population ages, the desire among seniors to gracefully traverse their golden years in the familiar embrace of their own homes becomes increasingly pronounced. It reflects a profound emotional bond with their living spaces, where memories and a lifetime of experiences are cherished. However, amidst this preference for ageing in the comfort of their homes, elderly individuals remain unaware of the myriad of in-home care options available to cater to their unique needs. This blog post embarks on a journey to delve deeper into the benefits of in-home care for seniors, illuminating the diverse array of options for seniors and emphasising the critical necessity of raising awareness about these invaluable services. The Growing Desire for In-Home Care In the face of an increasingly ageing population, seniors' desire to age gracefully at home has become more pronounced. Seniors often express a profound emotional attachment to their homes, and in-home care allows them the warmth and

Doctor's Day : Celebrating the Blessing of Home Visits and the Impact on Elderly Health and Well-being

As we celebrate Doctor's Day, we think about the vital role that doctors play in our lives, particularly when it comes to the health and well-being of our senior loved ones.  In the realm of home healthcare, the blessing of doctors visiting patients at home is immeasurable. At Athulya Home Healthcare, we recognize the significance of these home visits and the positive impact they have on the health and well-being of our elderly population. Let’s delve into the importance of doctor's home visits and how they enhance the quality of care for seniors. We need to recognize the medical community's hard work, devotion, and sacrifices to promote the health and well-being of people in our communities on Doctor's Day. We may commemorate the occasion by distributing red carnations, promoting awareness through campaigns, celebrating and recognizing efforts through prizes and honors, and educating the public about the critical role that physicians play in society. Personalized Care

World No Tobacco Day |The Daunting Effects of Tobacco on Seniors

World No Tobacco Day is an annual event observed on May 31st, initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and advocate for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption. This day serves as a reminder of the global health risks associated with tobacco use and the urgent need for action. In this blog, we will explore the daunting effects of tobacco on seniors and the crucial role that home healthcare plays in addressing this issue.   Tobacco use remains one of the most significant public health challenges worldwide, affecting people of all ages. However, the detrimental effects of tobacco on seniors are particularly worrisome. As individuals age, their bodies become more vulnerable to the harmful consequences of tobacco use.   Prevalence of Tobacco Use among Seniors Contrary to popular belief, tobacco use among seniors is still a prevalent issue. Many individuals continue to smoke or use other tobacco products well in

Malaria & older adults: How to avoid this life-threatening illness?

Malaria is a parasite-borne disease. Mosquitoes transmit the parasite to humans when they bite them. The malaria death rate climbed significantly with age, With 4.6% fatal cases among people over 65. People are frequently bitten by malaria-carrying insects. Therefore, elders should take measures like skilled nursing care at home .   SYMPTOMS ●        The most frequent symptoms of malaria are muscular pains, chills, high fever, and perspiration. Coughing, fatigue, feeling sick in the stomach, nausea, and sometimes diarrhea are other common symptoms of malaria and dengue among the elderly. Malaria can cause anemia and jaundice as it develops.   ●        Malaria symptoms often occur 10 days to one month after infection. Symptoms vary according to the kind of parasite. Some seniors do not feel ill for up to a year after being bitten by a mosquito. Parasites can survive in the body for many years without creating symptoms.   ●        Some parasites may remain dormant in the liver for

World Liver Day: 5 Major Tips to avoid liver complications for Seniors

World Liver Day is celebrated on April 12, 2023, therefore let us raise awareness about liver complications for seniors. Apart from the brain, the liver is the second biggest and most complicated organ in the body. It is an important component of your body's digestive system. Here are the five major tips to avoid liver complications for Seniors; Reduce alcohol intake ➢     The liver is extremely robust and capable of self-regeneration. Certain liver cells die every time the liver filters alcohol. The liver can regenerate new cells, but excessive alcohol consumption might weaken its ability to regenerate. This can cause significant and lasting liver damage. ➢     Excessive alcohol intake can have severe consequences for the kidneys and their part in controlling the body's fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, leaving alcoholics prone to a lot of kidney-related health issues. ➢     The rate of blood flow to the kidneys is normally kept constant so that the kidneys can filte

Including Pink Salt in Diet

Pink salt, also referred to as Pink Himalayan Salt, is made from the rock crystal of salt mined from areas in close vicinity of the Himalayan foothills. Pink salt or Pink Himalayan salt is chemically similar to table salt and contains up to 98 percent of sodium chloride. The rest, 2 percent, consists of some trace minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The presence of the minerals gives a slight pinkish tint to the appearance and brings about the difference in taste when compared with the standard table salt. Pink salt comes with a number of health benefits which is exactly why experts recommend the inclusion of the same in the diet for all, especially seniors.   Helps in Detoxification   Pink salt contains minerals and elements including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc., all of which play a significant role in aiding the natural detoxification process of the body. Moreover, pink salt also helps promote the removal of bacteria, thereby helping to maintain goo