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Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) is ranked as the second common kind of infection among humans, with 40% in women population and 12-15% in men. It is an infection in the urinary tract structure which includes ureters, kidneys, urethra, and the bladder. Any part in the urinary tract can be infected and it is majorly caused by the bacteria and little by viruses and fungi.

What is Urinary Tract?

Urinary tract is a place where the urine is produced and stored, a dissipate of our own body and it has the following parts,

It is a fist- ranged organ and is situated in the abdomen on both sides of the spine. The main function of the kidney is to filter excess salt, potassium, urea, water and other substances which are not necessary for the body. Then, these waste products are flushed out through urine. 

Ureters are tubes which are 25-35 cms long and 2-8 mm in diameter. It transports the urine from kidneys to the bladder.

Urinary Bladder:
It is a tiny, balloon shaped organ which is situated in the pelvic region. It is situated in front of the uterus for female and below the prostate gland for male.

Urethra is a small tube that leads from the bladder to outside of the body. Its primary function is to excrete the urine.

The Urinary Tract Infections include Urethritis – Inflammation related to urethra, Cystitis – inflammation related to bladder, Pyelonephritis – illness of the kidney. If the kidney is affected, it may cause life threatening problems.

Causes and threat factors for UTI:

If there is trouble in emptying the urine by the bladder or anything that causes irritation in the urinary tract may lead to Urinary Tract Infection.

 Obstructions/ Blockage:
 If there is any kind of barrier which causes stress in emptying the bladder, then it can lead to    Urinary Tract Infection. The problem mostly arises due to presence of Kidney stones and certain b  type of tumors. 

 Women possess greater risk for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) than men because their Urethra is    found to be diminutive.

Sexual Activity:
While having sexual intercourse, due to the pressure on the tract, the bacteria will move from colon to the bladder. The bacteria present in the urine of females after the intercourse will get flushed out within a day. Bowel containing bacteria’s presence may stick to the bladder.

 Lavatory Hygiene:
 Wiping from the back region to front after urination leads to UTI as the bacterium from the rectal        region moves to the urethra.

   Skin irritation occurs in few women and they have more chances of bacteria entering into the              bladder.

    Use of Condoms:
    The use of latex condoms produces increased rubbing during the intercourse and hence causes             skin disruption.Hence most females are more prone to get UTI, but condoms help in prevention 
    of sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

    Use of Diaphragms:
    When they use diaphragms they stress out more on the urethra and lowers the bladder from                 emptying, thus it proportionally increases the risk of UTI.

    Diabetes :
    People with Diabetes are more prone to UTI.

 Loss of Estrogen Level:      
 After menopause, the loss of estrogen level change the normal bacteria in the vagina thus making        it vulnerable to UTI

    Use of Bladder Catheter Permanently:
    When someone finds difficulty in passing urine, a tube like device is introduced in the bladder and      the urine is collected in a container. The long term use of catheter increases the risk of UTI as it          creates a suitable environment for the bacteria to enter in to the bladder and breed. If the UTI is          caused due to catheter, then it is advised to remove the catheter.

   Indications of UTI:

    The signs depend on the part of the urinary tract system which is infected. Infection related to             Urethra and the Bladder is often termed as ‘Lower UTI’s and it shows the following symptoms:
  • Burning sensation when urinating.
  • Frequency of urination will increase with less amount of urine being passed.
  • Urine with blood
  • Unclear urine
  • Dark colored urine
  • Smelly urine
  • In women, there will be pain in the pelvic region.
  • In men, there will be pain in the anal area.
 If UTI’s is found  in the kidney it is called as ‘Upper UTI’s’ and it is a life threatening  problem if      the infection spreads to blood. This condition is called as ‘Sepsis’ and it is fatal as it leads to shock,    low blood pressure and death. The signs include,
  • Pain in the upper back and in the flank region
  • Chills and shivering
  • High temperature
  • Nausea and vomiting
If UTI is found in pregnant women they should consult the doctor immediately because it can lead to early delivery and increased blood pressure. The infection can ascend and reach to kidney which can cause serious health hazards.

How UTI is diagnosed: 
Urine analysis is done to confirm the UTI. The patient is asked to collect ‘Clean Catch’ urine sample and middle stream urine is given to the lab. The doctor will look out for White blood cells (WBC’s) which is a sign for infection. Culture and sensitivity of urinary sample is done in order to choose an appropriate treatment.

Blood investigations like CBC and blood culture can be prescribed when the physician suspects upper UTI problems.

Ultrasound KUB is performed in case of recurrent UTI and for severe cases, Intervenous Pyelogram – a particular type of stain is injected which provides the doctor a clear view of the Urinary Tract and Cystoscopy (a micro camera is inserted and the bladder is examined). A small piece of tissue is taken from the bladder and checked out for tumor cells. This procedure is called as ‘Biopsy’.

Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI):
Various treatment options are present for UTI which includes the administration of antibiotics orally or through intravenously. The type of antibiotics and the duration depends on the certain factors,
Lower UTI: (Cystitis)
Lower UTI
  • Usually a course of 3-7 days of antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Among men, if the prostate gland is also infected along with the UTI, then the antibiotics are prescribed for about 4 weeks or more.
  • In case of females, if the physician suspects the infection related to kidney or diabetes, antibiotics is advised for 5-7 days.
  • To ease the burning pain during the urination, pyridium along with the antibiotic is advised for about 1-2 days.
Upper UTI: (Pyelonephritis)

           In a healthy person, IV fluids and an injection of antibiotics is given on an outpatient basis and is followed by 10-14 days of oral antibiotics.

If the person is completely ill and also looks dehydrated with associated vomiting then he/she will be on IV line and needs to be hospitalized if necessary and treated with fluids and antibiotics till they become stable enough to take oral antibiotics.

Hospitalization is required, if the person has the following symptoms of Pyelonephritis or:
  • Looks very sick
  • Pregnant
  • No signs of recovery with oral antibiotics
  •  Has immune compromised body system
  • Any previous Kidney disease
  •  Kidney stones
  • Use of catheter

Home remedies for UTI:

There are certain home remedies available for Urinary Tract Infections so that it can be prevented to a little extent. The discomfort caused can be reduced by the following ways,
Regularly following the doctor’s opinion.

The antibiotic course must be finished even if health condition seems to improve.
  • Intake of Pain killer
  • Use of hot water bags
  • Intake of plenty of water
  • Avoiding coffee, alcohol and spicy food items which leads to the irritation of the bladder.
  • The person should quit smoking as it irritates the bladder and can cause bladder cancer.


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