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Top 9 Android/Ios Games and Apps That Even Old People Can Get Addicted To

Who said that Android or IOS apps and games are only for the young generation? Ever wonder if there are any useful lifehack apps and games that are available for aged adults? Not exactly these apps can be called as games as they serve a bit more when used by the elderly. Aging has limitations and some of these apps can push those limits. There are apps that help elderly in preforming their daily activities, there are apps that boosts memory power and there are apps that connects them instantly with their family members who live in abroad.

This blog here brings some of the most popular apps and games that are meant for elderly lives and easy to use.

1.    Pill Reminder Pro
This app is available in iOS. This reminds the elderly about their daily pills and medications. To use this app, we need to feed the information such as pill name, dosage and usage time. This helps will remind about the medication on time, with the help of the PUSH alert. This is one among the most used and best apps for elderly people.

2.    Dragon Dictation
This is available only in iOS. This app recognizes the voice and types the words or messages without using the keyboard. This is useful for the elderly in dairy writing, email composition and to send text messages. In addition, this app will be helpful for elders who are active on social media.

3.    iMutt
This app is also an iOS app. This app allows elders to have a pet in phone, feed it, interact with it and take care of all its needs. It’s a proven fact that animals can be great companions. Elders may not take care of real pets, however they can fill that void with these virtual pets.

4.    Idealo
It is a free app that is available in android. This app is useful for the elderly shopping enthusiasts. The users can scan the barcode on a product or service and this app shows the nearest shops and the prices of that product. Elders can try this money saving app while using the other memory games and apps for seniors.

5.    VizWiz
It is a free app that is available in Apple I phones. This app helps seniors who has poor sight. They can take a picture of surroundings and ask a question and this app provides several answers. The results may not be accurate but this is a boon for the elders suffer from poor sight.

6.    Read2Go
This is a paid app and one of the popular apps for the elder people. This is an e-reader that helps the users to browse, download, read and search books that they can read. This app also can adjust the font size based on the inputs by the user.

7.    Vouchercloud
This is also for the elderly shopping enthusiasts. This provides information of money saving coupon websites that offer the discount vouchers for the nearby shops, cinemas, leisure outlets and the garden centers.

8.    Skype
This app is available in PlayStore. This connects the elders with their bloodline who live away. In this app, the user can receive calls including video calls. However, outgoing calls are chargeable.

9.    Sudoku
Elderly will love to play crossword puzzles and games that boost brain activity. This Sudoku app can be an exercise for brain. This app is available both in Android and iOS.

Share these with the elderly who are in need. Also there are many apps available for patients with memory related issues such as dementia app for seniors. These Android and iOS apps can be of a great use for the elderly to perform their daily activities and to be involved in engaging activities and get relieved, in the life that is challenging.

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