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Broccoli for Seniors

Have you seen that green bushy vegetable that looks like a cauliflower? Well, that is broccoli for you. Broccoli has become a popular ingredient in soup, salad, pasta and even in Indian food like dosa. But why this sudden bustle about broccoli? This is because recent studies have revealed that broccoli ha great health benefits for and all. In fact, broccoli has been recommended as the best food for senior citizens owing to its abundance of nutrients. Before we make broccoli a part of the elderly healthy diet, let us take a look at all the basic facts of broccoli. 

Broccoli- the best food for senior citizens 
Broccoli essentially has a bunch of vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Belonging to the Brassica family, Broccoli and its sister vegetables like cabbage, kale and cauliflower, is rich in water and fibre and low in carbs which makes it ideal to be included a part of the elderly diet plan. 

Broccoli has 89% of water and provides only 31 calories as it contains only 6 gm of carbs per cup. However, it has 2.5 grams of protein which constitutes 29% of its dry weight and this is relatively high when compared to other vegetables. With only 0.6 grams of fat, broccoli poses no cholesterol threat to the aged. The high fibre content of broccoli safeguards the gut of seniors and renders it as the best elderly health diet. 

Broccoli has an endless list of vitamins like Vitamin A,B9, C and K along with vital minerals like potassium, manganese and iron. Completely enriched with carotenoids, broccoli also has other superior plant compounds like sulforaphane, quercetin and kaempferol that improve the health of elders. 

Due to its abundance of nutrients, broccoli is thus considered to be the best food for senior citizens. 

Why should broccoli be an essential part of the elderly health diet? 
Broccoli must be made an essential part of the elderly health diet compulsorily due to the following reasons. 

1.Broccoli prevents stroke  
Consuming broccoli 3 times a day may ward off heart health issues. Research reveals that a daily intake of broccoli reduced the thickening of the neck artery in elderly women by 0.05mm.This is significant because a 0.1mm decrease in thickness of the lower carotid artery reduced the risk of a stroke or heart attack by 18%. 

2.Broccoli is healthy for the heart 
Sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate that is present generously in broccoli. This phytochemical is able to dissolve the thickening of the blood vessels due to chronic blood sugar. Broccoli also has ample vitamin which helps in reducing blood pressure while its high fibre content prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, thus preventing heart attack. In fact, broccoli has a high quantity of vitamin K which is a vasodilator or blood-thinning agent and this render broccoli the best for heart health of elders. 

3.Broccoli avoids osteoarthritis 
Broccoli is enriched with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc which are absolutely essential for strong bones. The sulforaphane present in broccoli also slows down the destruction of cartilage with age and hence prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. 

4.Broccoli averts cancer 
Broccoli is bundled up with sulforaphane, kaempferol and Indole-3-carbinol, all of which fight cancer. Broccoli also decreases the estrogen content in women and prevent the onset of uterine or breast cancer. 

5.Broccoli reduce cholesterol 
The abundant fibre in broccoli binds with the bile in the digestive tract and expel the cholesterol from the body. Research studies reveal that a particular variety of broccoli is potent in reducing LDL by 6%. 

6.Broccoli is best for eye health 
All the nutrients required to promote eye health in elders are present in broccoli. This cruciferous vegetable has a high content of Vitamin A, K, E and C all of which prevent cataract and macular degeneration. 

  7.Broccoli is superb for skin health 
Beauty is felt deeply for the skin if you consume broccoli. Broccoli has plenty of antioxidants which prevents the ageing of the skin. Carotenoids like lutein, zeaxanthin and beta carotene help in reducing wrinkles and age spots. This is why broccoli is always a part of senior skincare tips. 

Broccoli is a powerhouse of good health for seniors and must be included as a part of the elderly diet plan compulsorily. 


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