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Advancement of wearable sensors for seniors at home

By 2050, 25% of the global population is going to constitute elders above 65 years. With most of these seniors living at home, they need 24 x7 monitoring and support. This is because old age ushers in a gross decline in strength, stamina, energy, and immunity among elders. Hence there is a dire need to keep a watch on the elder's health in a round-the-clock manner. Such vigilant care can be provided only by senior home healthcare and remote health monitoring using home medical equipment's. 

Of all the home medical equipment's, wearable sensors are the most convenient and comfortable medical accessories for elders. The elderly wearable devices are easy to wear and use and they offer complete data on the elder's vital health parameters in a systematic manner around the clock. 

Here is an overview of the application of wearable sensors for the health monitoring of seniors at home. 

Why use wearable sensors for seniors at home? 
The necessity of using wearable sensors for seniors at home is for their remote health monitoring on a 24x7 basis. Elderly wearable devices must be worn by elders at home for the following reasons. 
  1. 1. Elders experience a decline in their health and immunity with age.  Their vital health parameter must always be checked and closely  monitored after 60. 
  1. 2. A host of lifestyle diseases like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension,  etc. set in with old age due to decreased mobility and activity.  Thee require close monitoring to avoid sudden emergencies. 
  1. 3. Elders are always prone to slips and falls due to infirmity as a  result of old age. A close watch on them can prevent sudden mishaps  and accidents. 
  1. 4. Seniors with chronic health ailments like cardiac problems, stroke,  etc. definitely require constant monitoring. 
  1. 5. Emergencies can occur anytime with an elder at home. It is always  better to be prepared with 24x7 monitoring. 
For all the above-mentioned reasons, remote health monitoring of elders is a must and needs the use of Elderly wearable devices. 

Types of elderly wearable devices 
Apple Watch 4 
Apple Watch 4 is more than a fashionable gadget. It is a compact healthcare monitoring system in itself with in-built ECG monitor, heart-rate monitor and gyroscope accelerometer. Touching the crown of the watch initiate the watch to take an ECG reading for 30 seconds and even end them to the doctor if programmed accordingly. the gyroscope accelerometer measures the walking pace of the senior and detects if the elder has fallen. Upon instruction, it will end the alert message to the closest family member or caregiver. This elderly wearable device is a must for all seniors at home to ensure that they are safe and in sound health always 
Omron HeartGuide 
This elderly wearable device is the first fully-wearable blood pressure monitor. It tracks not only the blood pressure but also the fitness levels and sleep patterns of your elders. With the Omron HeartGuide, seniors can set fitness goals and monitor their progress. They can also have a clear idea of how their sleep pattern affecting their blood pressure. 
Omron Healthcare Avail TENS unit 
The advancement of technology has brought immense benefits for elders through elderly wearable devices. The prime example for this is the Omron Healthcare Avail TENS unit. This TENS or Trans-Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation unit is a heaven-sent boon for elders with joint pain due to arthritis. It can be placed on various pain point to obtain significant pain relief through electrical stimulationEasy to use and effective in pain alleviation, the Omron Healthcare Avail TENS unit help seniors to gain remedy for their pain without the use of drugs. 
Smart Sole 
When elders with mental ailments like dementia or Alzheimer's are at home, this elderly wearable device is a must. The Smart Sole can be worn inside the footwear of seniors and has a GPS tracking system. It triggers an alarm if the elder wanders away. It alerts caregivers if the senior is in a risky or remote location.  

The advent of elderly wearable devices has paved the way for elders to operate safely within their home while keeping a check of their health always. It has reduced the risk of emergencies and the need for frequent hospital visits through remote health monitoring of elders by using home medical equipment. In short, wearable sensors have made life for seniors not only bearable but also easily care-able. 


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