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Aging - An Inevitable Process and Progress

Since time immemorial, the aging phenomenon has been perceived as a natural but an unstoppable and inevitable way of getting old. This is so because as we become older, our body cells degenerate and cease to work properly leading to various diseases and ailments. Currently, there is an urgent requirement for focusing on this aspect with the global aging population growing exponentially by the day.

Technological developments and healthcare innovations have indeed brought a drastic improvement in the quality of life elders can lead and also increased the life expectancy. So the older adults actually look forward to the blissful phase of after retirement life  post the long and busy career span. However, they must take sufficient care of their health as the body is more susceptible to chronic ailments and disabilities in old age.

Common Geriatric Problems
·      Most seniors suffer from one or more chronic health impairments that need constant medical attention and supervision.

·   There is a decline in mental health particularly in the context of cognition due to aging which makes the elders dependent on others.

·     Many elderly people suffer from malnutrition due to multiple reasons including lack of awareness, physical limitations to cook nutritious meals, financial problems and the absence of caretakers.

·      There is a greater risk of trips and falls leading to injuries, fractures and permanent disabilities as old people have reduced balancing and co-ordination capabilities and sensory impairments like impaired vision and hearing loss.

·    Oral health happens to be one of the major detriments to senior well-being as seniors are not able to take care of the teeth properly leading to multiple health issues.

·   The diminishing immune system of the elders makes their bodies prone to various infections and dangerous diseases like HIV and AIDs.

·       Loneliness and isolation is a serious threat in the life of seniors leading to unhealthy habits including overeating, substance abuse, over-medication, drug addiction, smoking and excess alcohol consumption.

·  Age-related body changes can cause poor bladder control, constipation and incontinence in  elderly people which can be extremely embarrassing and emotionally draining.

Tips for Healthy Aging
·  Take proper care of your skin as it is the largest organ of the body. It must be protected adequately against extreme temperatures and weather conditions. Use appropriate clothing and using sunscreen lotions, remain well-hydrated and follow anti-aging routines regularly.

·     Make exercise a compulsory itinerary as it significantly lowers the risk of several diseases like cardiac problems, diabetes and stroke and also helps you in retaining mobility. It is also known to lower stress and anxiety, elevates moods and improves bone density and muscle strength.

·     Pay sufficient attention to your diet and ensure regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain foods, low-fat dairy products, lean protein and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods strictly and keep the salt intake to the minimum to avoid surges in blood pressure.

·     Do not ignore mental health  as it plays a vital role in hassle-free aging. Be happy and calm always and spend time with family and friends, pursue hobbies and embrace the aging process gracefully.

·     Prevent a sedentary lifestyle by remaining physically active to the extent possible. Doing this reduces the onset of chronic ailments and also evades untimely death. Engage yourself constructively by going for walking, travelling and participating in voluntary and community activities.

·   Reduce your stress levels by talking to friends, meditating, reading good books, sleeping well and listening to music.

·     Quit unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking alcohol as these have ill-effects on your well-being and even cause premature aging.

·    Practice better mindfulness by doing meditation, yoga, colouring and playing senior-friendly games. That helps in building attention and focus, increasing memory, improving reaction to stimuli and building better relationships with fellow human beings.

Senior care at home helps elders in leading a healthy lifestyle to ensure an enjoyable process and progress of aging!


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