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Septic Arthritis - Causes, Symptoms and Risk Factors

Septic Arthritis is a type of infective arthritis that primarily attacks the joints leading to inflammation. It is usually caused by bacteria though sometimes it may occur as a result of viral or fungal infections too. This form of arthritis normally affects one large joint of the body like the hip or knee joint. However, in rare cases, the impact may be seen in multiple joints also. Sadly, this disease can result in serious consequences if neglected to cause irreparable damage to joints.

 Elders suffering from septic arthritis may suffer from varied impairments due to joint pain. Hence, they are likely to need assistance for doing their daily activities and taking treatment especially if they are living alone or have comorbidities. Professional geriatric care including reliable home nursing care facilities and physiotherapy for seniors can be availed for such patients from Healthabove60.


Septic arthritis is a consequence of infection of joint fluid rather than the wear and tear of cartilage tissue which mainly accounts for osteoarthritis causes. The micro-organisms causing it are-

·         Bacteria like Staphylococcus auerus(commonly called staph),E.Coli and Haemophilus influenzae

·         Viruses like Hepatitis A,B and C, Herpes, HIV, Ebola and Mumps


·         Severe pain

·         Swelling in the joints with fluid accumulation

·         Fever/Chills

·         Stiffness and difficulty in movement

·         Redness and warmth in the infected area

·         General weakness and exhaustion with decreased appetite

·         Increased pulse rate

·         Irritability and discomfort

 Risk Factors

Generally, very young children and elderly people are likely to develop this infectious disease quickly. Those people with open wounds are also more prone to it. Besides, patients suffering from compromised immune systems, effects of intravenous substance abuse and chronic ailments like diabetes, rheumatic diseases, immune-deficiency disorders and cancer are also at higher risk. It is interesting to note that even previously damaged joints are susceptible to septic arthritis. Though it is not contagious, the microbes that result in this infectious arthritis may be easily transmitted from one infected patient to another.



The diagnosis of septic arthritis is made by identifying and analyzing the infected joint fluid in a clinical laboratory or hospital. The extent of joint damage may be seen using X-ray images. Blood tests may also be done to monitor the impact of inflammation. It is crucial to start the treatment immediately to prevent permanent damage to joints due to the onset of osteoarthritis.


The specific treatment options for managing the aggressive effects of septic arthritis include-


Administration of prescription drugs-Doctors prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria that cause the infection. Rather than oral medicines, these drugs are usually given intravenously to aid faster recovery and prevent the infection spread. Sometimes, however, oral antibiotics may be prescribed for the duration of six to eight weeks for the treatment to be completely effective. Antifungal medications may be given if the infection is caused by a fungal attack.


Drainage of infected fluid- In many patients, the infected fluid in the joints must be drained to provide relief from pain and swelling and prevent further damage. This is done by open surgery method or using a procedure called arthroscopy. Doctors may also remove the infected fluid using a small needle without performing surgery through a process called arthrocentesis. This is usually repeated for several days to ensure complete drainage.


Other treatment approaches-Some of the standard home remedies for arthritis given below provides relief from symptoms too-

·         Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines for short time intervals

·         Resting the affected joint

·         Using a splinter

·         Expanding the range of motion through gentle stretching exercises

·         Applying cold or hot packs

·         Rubbing pain killer ointment over the affected area

·         Undergoing physiotherapy to strengthen the joints and increase flexibility and mobility


Arthritis Prevention for Seniors

·         Maintain healthy body weight and avoid obesity to reduce the impact on undue pressure on the joints

·         Eating a balanced and nutritious diet that is endowed with anti-inflammatory foods like nuts, berries, fish and olive oil

·         Remaining physically active by exercising regularly. Specifically, some easy and low-impact exercises forosteoarthritis are walking, swimming and yoga. These must be done atleast thrice a week for best results.


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