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Osteoporosis - Everything your aging loved one should know

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes slow but regressive deterioration of bone tissues as a result of low bone mass. This leads to increased risk of fragility, directly impacting a person’s ability to survive falls or trip overs.

Osteoporosis is more prevalent in women than men. Based on a data source, more than 200 million people suffer from this condition across the world. India in particular has over 50 million people suffering from this condition or its symptoms.  

So, what is this condition exactly and why does it break your bones easily? You will find answer for this question and for more like what osteoporosis treatment is, how to care for elders with osteoporosis, the preferred diet for strong bones and so on. Stay with us until the end of the blog to learn more.

What is osteoporosis?

It is a silent bone disorder that is caused from the loss of bone tissue as a result of vitamin D deficiency, hormonal imbalance, and insufficient calcium and phosphorus. In some cases, osteoporosis can go unrecognized and untreated for years until the bones become too fragile and brittle. 

What are the risk factors of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is more common in women than men. In fact, women’s quota is more than 75% in the total osteoporosis cases being registered across the globe. Here are a few risk factors that are contributing to this plight of women.

Menopause - Estrogen in women protects bones as a shield. With low levels of estrogen in the body after menopause, bones lose their protection. Menopause also causes hormonal imbalance which contributes to osteoporosis.

Age - Aging is another factor for this condition. Bone mass gets reduced as we age, and women’s life expectancy is relatively higher than men.  Characteristically women’s bones are smaller and thinner in size and also consist of low density

Nutrition - Lack of sufficient Calcium, vitamin D and magnesium in the system can also lead to osteoporosis and it can happen in any age and gender. It is the major reason for this condition in men.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

As stated earlier, it is a silent condition. However, once the bones are weak, the person might start experiencing unexplained aches, pains, and discomfort in the joint areas. Back pain, collapse of the vertebra, loss of weight without a reason, changed posture and bones that are weak and breaking even for a small trip over.

When to see the doctor?

Usually, people who got early menopause or have a family history of osteoporosis, you might want to get checked. Also, check for the symptoms and if you are coming under the risk radar. If yes, book an appointment with your health specialist.

What is the treatment for osteoporosis?

Determining osteoporosis require a complete diagnostic process that include bone mineral density (BMD), dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, or bone densitometry etc., Upon determining the condition, your doctor might prescribe medicine that helps you prevent further bone loss and build bone mass.

Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus are key to restoring bone mass. This could be done via the food that you eat but this takes time.  Here are the few medicine types that are usually prescribed by the specialist to speed up the bone mass build up.

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs): Useful for women who are experiencing bone loss as a result of menopause. This medicine helps slow down the bone loss rate.

Calcitonin: This is a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and regulates the calcium levels. It might promote healthy bone mass.

 Bisphosphonates: Prescribed in combination with other medications, this helps treat bone mass and also helps in building new bone mass.

Parathyroid hormone: Administered as an injection, this helps speed up the bone mass build up while preventing the loss of it.

Denosumab: Cuts down the risk of excessive bone loss. This drug is also administered as an injection.

Note: The medicines/drugs listed here are only for educational purposes and should not be taken as equivalent to prescription. Some of these medicines can cause side effects that could be severe. Get a valid prescription from your doctor before taking any of these medicines.

Frequently asked questions:

        1.    How to prevent osteoporosis?

Have lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and be involved in regular physical activity. It is important to take calcium rich foods such as seafoods, legumes, tofu, dried fruits, and leafy greens. The more you involve them in your diet, the better and stronger your bones get

2.    How to get help after being diagnosed with osteoporosis?

The risk of falls can improve severe complications if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Make your home fall-free by taking all the precautions. Get help from the physiotherapists at home. 

 3.    Osteoporosis in older women - how Athulya homecare can help?

Athulya offers a wide range of services for people with osteoporosis. Starting from providing personal attendants who will stay with your loved ones all the time to nursing care procedures at home, Athulya services help seniors stay safe and healthy at the comfort of their homes.


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