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How pancreatic and liver care help people to stay healthy even in old age?

When we think of major organs, we usually think of the kidneys, the heart, the lungs, and the brain. However, we often overlook other vital organs in our bodies, such as the liver and pancreas. According to studies, the liver continues to perform approximately 500 mechanisms to keep our bodies healthy, and the pancreas plays an essential role in the development of enzymes that aid in digestion. Aging may result in health problems. To begin taking care of our bodies, we must first become aware of them. The following section discusses how to support a healthy liver and pancreas for graceful aging.


Managing liver health is not a tedious job. It is simple to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle. Rather than maintaining a healthy senior diet after being affected, an individual simply needs to eat properly to maintain a good liver even in old age.

Anything we consume has an impact on our liver. To live a healthy life, we must take very good care of our liver. The liver measures nearly the size of a football. It's on the right, under the lower ribcage. Toxins and harmful substances are removed from the blood by the liver. The liver is a part of the digestive system and stores glucose, which gives us an instant energy. It produces bile, which aids the body in breaking down fat from meal and performing additional functions.

On April 19th, World Liver Day is observed to promote consciousness about the liver and illnesses or conditions affecting it. Do you know? The liver is our body's 2nd largest organ. As previously stated, our liver is essential to our health and makes a significant contribution in a variety of ways. Here are a few tips to help you keep your liver healthy even in the older age.

       Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol is the primary threat of the liver.

     Maintain a nutritious diet. Before embarking on diets such as the protein diet or the keto diet, consult with a dietician.

  Maintain your fitness by engaging in physical activities. Your liver will appreciate you by functioning properly.

    Before taking any medications, consult your doctor. Medicines can possibly cause liver problems as an adverse reaction. For example, the pain reliever acetaminophen can harm your liver if taken in excess.

       Don't forget to get your vaccinations on time. Vaccines can aid in the fight against Hepatitis B.

Liver-related illnesses can be fatal. The second most common cause of cancer death is liver cancer. Although short-term liver dialysis methods can be used, it is uncertain how to adjust for the complete lack of liver function in the long term. Because artificial livers have not been developed to provide a long-term replacement in the absence of the liver, liver transplantation is the only option for people suffering from liver failure. The probability of liver disease and liver failure can be reduced with the right diet, lifestyle, care, and regular health checks.


The pancreas is an effective organ that plays an important role in hyperglycemia and metabolism. The pancreas is an organ found in the stomach area of the human body. It is located behind the stomach in the upper left side of the abdomen. The pancreas performs critical functions that are essential to the daily maintenance of good health.

Pancreas care and treatment can help you avoid severe and chronic ailments in old age. Acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and diabetes are all pancreas-related illnesses. We don't want to harm our health, especially in the elderly, so it's better to live a healthy lifestyle to avoid serious medical problems in the future.

   Smoking is not permitted. Smoking harms the pancreas. Nicotine is a risk factor for pancreatitis, which causes a decrease in pancreatic enzyme secretion.

  Keep a healthy weight. To maintain a healthy weight, combine workouts with a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and whole cereals in portion sizes.

   Choose a nutritious diet. Elders healing from illnesses can seek the advice of a nutritionist for a healthy senior diet. A diet rich in colourful fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, may help lower your risk of cancer.

Pancreatic problems are often inheritable in nature. The use of tobacco and alcohol raises the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. There are no significant symptoms or indications that the body exhibits that would allow these problems to be identified early. As a result, it is critical to avoid the habits and live a healthier lifestyle that may be causing these issues.

If you have a family background of pancreatic cancer, you should consult with a genetic counsellor. Many healthcare providers offer cancer care at home for the elderly, allowing them to heal in the comfort of their own homes.

These health issues can be avoided if the proper precautions are taken. Athulya Home Healthcare provides geriatric home care services in Chennai, ranging from medication delivery to skilled nursing care and expert consultations. Athulya home healthcare strives to improve the quality of life of the elderly through personalized care and a friendly approach to clients.


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