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How Aging Affects The Sleeping Patterns For Seniors.

Aging has multiple shades and layers to it and when referred to in the context of sleep, it has a whole new dimension.

Along with physiological alterations in seniors, there has been an increased attention for geriatric health and the aging body.

Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between aging and sleep and how both are intertwined and can cause common sleep issues and a few sleep habits that older adults could easily implement. 


There is no doubt that sleep changes as we age. Prolonged nocturnal awakenings are more frequent and a decreased ability to maintain deep sleep. Initiation to sleep, efficiency in sleep, the stages of sleep, quality of sleep, day-time sleep patterns.

We live in a world full of assumptions and well one such has to be that of how there is an inability and decline to initiate sleep as one ages. The magnitude of the change maybe slightly midlevel.
The chances of seniors waking up often in the middle of the night and rising even earlier during mornings are also predictable. This also explains why older adults find their transition between sleep and waking up to be abrupt and that they used to sleep lighter when they were younger.

Older people tend to wake up more often because they spend less time when in their deepest state of sleep. Other constituting reasons are seniors that wake up in the middle of the night to urinate, anxiety or any kind of discomfort or pain they maybe experiencing due to illnesses.  Other constituting reasons can be certain medications, inappropriate atmosphere that surrounds the seniors at the time of sleep, insufficient exposure to daylight or lack of daytime activities.


If any of these warnings arises, you know you need to sought medical attention for the same.

·       Obstructive sleep anea

·        Depression

·       Cardiovascular disease

·        Dementia

·        Neurovascular disease

·         GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease

·         Restless legs syndrome

·         Anxiety

Moreover, a long-term irregular sleep schedule may trigger various health issues, including excess stress, tiredness or fatigue and create a sense of irritability or moodiness throughout the day. In addition to that, it can also substantially diminish cognitive and memory function which can result in seniors falling and thereafter face severely serious injury if appropriate care isn’t provided on time.


These are a few tweaks that you could incorporate into your bedtime routine which helps cope with insomnia and other age-related sleep problems :

Keep a regular sleep schedule and avoid sudden changes in sleep schedules.

Don’t try and resist if there is a delay in sleep for any longer than 20 minutes. If you cannot fall back asleep within those 20 minutes, instead try falling back asleep. Maybe slowly do some relaxing activities, i.e., listening to soft music that is calming enough to put you to sleep.

As much as possible, avoid daytime napping. If not possible, try to take a short power nap during the day and time it for 10 -15 minutes within 8 hours of waking up.

·      Adding movement to your routine and exercising regularly can help stimulate a sleep cycle. However, it is recommended to avoid any form of exercises or exertion at least 4 hours before bedtime.

    Try to evenly space out time between every meal and ensure that your last meal is had at least 4 hours before bedtime; an overactive digestive system can also disrupt your sleep.

·      As much as possible, try and stay relaxed before the onset of sleep seeps in.

   Athulya Home Healthcare offers holistic care and counselling by a team of qualified and highly experienced in geriatrics where an utmost emphasis is given for both physical and mental well-being.

Contact Athulya Home Healthcare and get in touch with the finest geriatric services in Chennai.


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