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Understanding the Common Deficiencies in Seniors

The lean body mass and the rate of metabolism tend to decrease with age. This, in turn, reduces the capacity of the body to absorb certain minerals and vitamins. Usually, seniors have less appetite and reduced caloric needs; hence, more nutrient requirements. Moreover, their lifestyle habits also differ, which can affect the consumption of foods. Therefore, as a result of reduced physical activity and decreased caloric intake, fewer essential minerals and vitamins get absorbed, leading to certain deficiencies which can be harmful to their overall health. Hence it is important to consume essential foods for strength, especially in old age.

Let us now delve a bit deeper into the topic to understand the common deficiency occurring in seniors. 

Calcium: Calcium is one of the common deficiencies in older adults. It is necessary for the proper maintenance of bone density. Typically, seniors tend to consume less calcium as compared to the young ones. As a result of this, their body starts leaching calcium from the bones for functioning properly. In several cases, the doctors suggest calcium supplements for maintaining proper calcium balance in the body. 

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is another common deficiency seen in seniors. This vitamin plays a vital role in improving the health of bones and immune system function. Moreover, Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D deficiency would not result in reaping any benefits even if enough calcium is being consumed. 

Folate: It is another essential B vitamin that helps reduce signs of aging and at the same time improve cognition in seniors. However, this vitamin is found to be deficient in older adults. Sufficient levels of folate are also associated with reduced rates of depression. Hence it becomes important to maintain appropriate folate levels, which is found in a range of fruits & vegetables and thus sometimes referred to as magical foods for the elderly since it offers an array of health benefits. 

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 deficiency is quite common in older adults. The vitamin helps in creating healthy red blood cells and is extremely necessary for proper nerve functioning. Many seniors consume adequate amounts of vitamin B12, but they happen to be still deficient since their bodies are unable to absorb it sufficiently. It is recommended to consume a vitamin B 12 supplement to make up for the poor absorption rate.

Vitamin E: It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that many seniors are deficient in. It helps reduce oxidative stress in the body and helps in delaying the onset of any chronic disease in seniors. Moreover, it plays a vital role in boosting the functioning of the immune system and metabolic processes in the body. 

Magnesium: The deficiency of magnesium is also common among seniors. This mineral plays a role in a number of body processes. This mineral plays a part in many body processes, such as the regulation of blood pressure and glucose. Magnesium is found in different plant and animal food sources, particularly nuts, whole grains, seeds, and dark leafy greens.

 Vitamin B6: Another commonly occurring dietary deficiency among seniors is vitamin B6. It performs a number of functions in the body, such as absorption of protein, influencing cognitive functioning, etc. They are typically found in potatoes, organ meats like liver, fish, and other starchy vegetables. Including these food items in the diet can help reduce the deficiency of vitamin B6.

 How Does Athulya Homecare Help? 

Athulya Homecare happens to be one the leading home care services in Chennaicatering to the individualized needs of seniors in the best possible manner. We offer premium quality nursing assistance at home to help seniors with their exact needs. Moreover, our adequately trained and vastly experienced experts make sure to guide the seniors on the right path regarding the common dietary deficiencies. They help prepare a proper diet chart to ensure that all the nutrients and minerals are insufficient quantities in the body to maintain overall good health. 


1.     What are the Common Causes of Dietary Deficiencies in Seniors?

The common causes of deficiency in seniors are listed below.

  • Poor dietary and nutrient intake
  • Consumption of certain medicines that reduce the ability of the body to absorb nutrients
  • Different physiological changes that are associated with aging like loss of appetite, forgetfulness, and others
  • Financial problems leading to limited purchasing of food items 

2.     What Can be the Effect of Dietary Deficiencies?

Dietary deficiency can result in the following.

  • Pain in bones or brittle bones
  • Severe loss of hair
  • Deterioration of night vision
  • Wounds take much time to heal
  • Irregular heartbeat

They can be a number of other effects or signs of dietary deficiency in older adults that vary from one person to another. 

3.     What to Do If I Notice Any Signs of Dietary Deficiency?

Whenever you notice any signs of dietary deficiency, you should immediately consult a healthcare expert and a dietician or nutritionist to appropriately identify the deficiency and opt for the proper diet or supplements to overcome the shortage.


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